MSc in Biomedical Engineering
The MSc in Biomedical Engineering of UoWM, is geared towards graduate students pursuing a career within, or in support of the medical sector e.g. preoperative planning, medical instrumentation, pharmaceutics, bio-informatics etc.

Block Courses
Classes within this MSc are taught in blocks. Classes will typically meet once or twice per week (over weekends), for five to thirteen hours, thus each spanning over 52 hours in total. There are two seven-week blocks during each semester. Block I, starts on the first week of the semester, while Block II starts on the 8th week of the semester with a reading week in-between.
Despite courses being predominantly taught on-campus, all classes are web-enhanced, using distant learning techniques. A limited number of PCs, dedicated to this MSc are available on campus, but students should secure regular access to a computer and the internet for the duration of their semesters.
Biomedical Signal & Image Processing & Modeling (Compulsory – 8 ECTS)
In this course, the fundamentals of digital signal processing with particular emphasis on problems in biomedical research, are explored. Lectures cover background topics on the biological signals and images as long as algorithmic approaches on biomedical signal analysis.
Implant design and optimization (Compulsory – 8 ECTS)
The course introduces students to rational approaches employed in the design and development of implantable medical devices, targeting various clinical applications, such as spinal-, craniomaxillofacial- and cardiovascular implants.

International opportunities
International opportunities
Expand your horizons by carrying out your thesis alongside leading researchers and industry experts from around the world that are affiliated with our program (USA, UK, Switzerland etc.). This is a unique opportunity we only provide for a limited number of students, that excel in our program and may also be combined with a partial or even full scholarships/grants, covering travel expenses and accommodation (for a 1 to 6-month duration).